The dryers are considered at risk of equipment such as presses.
The Labour Code R 4721-11 foresee an annual inspection of the equipment to prevent any risk of parts of projections, malfunctions machine safety, and the adequacy of equipment and environment.
We are certified COFREND certified agent NFEN 473 to ISO 3059 NFEN 571-1.
We control if necessary consecutive welding machine frame, in order to prevent any risk of infiltration product pouvants lead to a breach thereof.
CISC uses a check list for this verification, then we set a trial Verbale with appropriate recommendations.
© 2016 Consulting Industrial Systems Centrifuge
8 Bis Route de Malaval
38460 Sat Romain de Jalionas
Tel 06 99 42 50 03 Fax: 04 69 96 07 37